The sound of prayer, a meditation on Christ, the price, and those who stand in His name and are not ashamed. It’s time to just Listen to those of the Middle East with faith. Alleluia.
“Are we to give thanks for everything that befalls us? Yes, be it even disease be it even penury. For if a certain wise man gave this advice in the Old Testament and said, ‘Whatsoever is brought upon you take it cheerfully and be patient when you are changed to a low estate’ (Ecclesiasticus 2:4); much more ought this to be the case in the New…Let us therefore give thanks not only for blessings which we see, but also for those which we do not see, and for those which we receive against our will” (St. John Chrysostom of the 4th Century AD, reflecting on the letter to the Ephesians, chapter 5).
